Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Practical Magic

Here we go again!  Many countries around the world are showing the strain of trying to cope with what is.  Fortunately, more people in the world appear to be trying to figure out what's going on in our world and how we could do it better.  Is this different than any other time?  I don't think so.  From what I have seen over my three quarters of a century on this planet, what goes around still comes around.  Anybody out there besides me see the U.S. standing tall in November due to a cheerful campaign instead of a snipefest?  I see the success of Governor Walker's gutsy positive Wisconsin leadership indicating another sea change.  What do you see?

By now, every dire warning has been thrown out on the table as to the current relentless drive of some to replace our Constitution with one or another global regime. The now ten-year-old UN Agenda 21 plan continues to seep into American communities such as mine with nary an apparent caution as to the purpose of the three pronged Big E attack on individual enterprise.  Okay, I get it!  Control the Energy, the Environment and the Education of a people and you control them.  I am glad for the fervor stirred up by this prospect, but I do not see profitable the constant slams at "the other side" in this latest teeter totter exercise. What looks more useful to me is this list of reminders suggested by Marcia Wood's post on Tea Party Nation: 

The USSR is no more.

The Arabs can't live off of crude oil.

China doesn't want us to fail. Where would they sell their trinkets?

Wall Street doesn't want us to fail. Who else can they profit from if not the good old USA?

Terrorists don't want us to go away. They need a boogieman to whip up their own frenzies.

The question remains, who is it that wants us to fail?  Like Marcia says, Once again, we have to dig a bit deeper for the usual suspects. Who views us citizens as less than mice to be scattered so they can pick up the pieces?  No question that although none of us have all the answers, some of us are highly effective cheerleaders.  Consider one of many past governors whose respect for us mice was helpful to economic prospects during earlier hard times.  How’s this for déjà vu?

Government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem. - Ronald Reagan

The answer remains, who cares who wants us to fail as long as we insist upon thriving no matter what?  Various surveys show the Nation’s debt increasing about $3.93 billion per day and each citizen’s share surpassing $50,000.  Do we want that debt on our own plates?  Not anymore likely now than when it was said by Cicero (106-43 B.C.) that “The budget should be balanced; the treasury should be refilled; public debt should be reduced; and the arrogance of public officials should be controlled."

Please tell me, what have we got to lose by trusting that America's strong foundation will prevail if we dig in our heels for the long haul?  If not now, when will we count upon something much bigger than mere mortals to pull us through this time around?

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