Current online, print media and TV pundits convince me that most talking heads are way behind the American electorate. I see much better perspective amongst a wide variety of "ordinary" citizens.
Once people acknowledge that they do not want to be limited by categories such as class, ethnics, economics, gender, location, unionization, politics or any other "social" preferences, they become dangerous to those whose seek power over them. The effort of some to paint Wall Street demonstrators with the same brush as the Taxed Enough Already illustrates the ease with which power brokers may muddy the political waters. Is it any wonder that, arising from the muck, a multitude now cries for the end of politics as usual?
If ever there was a time for each of us to jump our traces, surely it is now. Right now, we have an opportunity to see Cain, who like most of us has never held political office, cheerfully navigate shark infested waters that deter many a devout U.S. citizen from taking his turn at shouldering the public wheel. Here on the table, again, is the question as to whether it is still possible for an honest accomplished businessman like our Founding Fathers to jumpstart free market capitalism. The stakes couldn't be higher considering that so far, despite many plans to the contrary, this economic structure is the only demonstrated engine of our defense against tyranny both at home and abroad.
Granted there may be a better financial driver, but until it surfaces, picking apart every effort to keep capitalism productive and lolling about in sleeping bags on Wall Street is sure to kill our motor. Yes, capitalism requires regulation, but not at the expense of those who, through their actions, stoutly defend honesty as the best policy. Have we not all faced this battlefront? Who, for instance, has not once in a while run into a buzz saw while trying to explain a personal perspective?
If not Cain, rather the usual political alternatives, how about drafting Steve Wynn? Odds are this Las Vegas titan's demonstrated success in respectful American business practices coupled with his compelling delivery of his objections to the current regime would save the day.
Fortunately, it's our call. Once more, we, the people, will soon determine whether a nation conceived in liberty with a government of, by and for "ordinary" people can long stand.
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