Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Are We Vital or What?

- gotta do this . . . gotta keep trying . . . gotta share wherever I'm welcome what I just spouted off to my local CVTP, hoping that somewhere along the line I connect with people who can get we, the people, off the blocks and back into preserving our precious union!

Dear Fellow Patriots. if you are so inclined, take a look at what I just sent Bill O'Reilly

(like I think he's ever going to read a word I say - but last night was just plain the last straw for me! His total disregard for the thought that some of his audience may include something besides baby birds waiting in our nests for him to drop his worms of wisdom into our open beaks reminds me of Obama! - and if he doesn't respond to me, that will be the substance of the next message I send him )

Bill, with all due respect, it's your turn to listen! Stop looking out for me until you hear me out and learn who I am! This isn't about you or me - it's about U.S. staying alive, right? I offer you the following perspective from my point of view because I don't think you mean to divide and conquer and I think we need each other's company.

I just heard Dennis Miller say, "You can have everything, but if you don't feel vital you have nothing." Since you and I both feel vital to the process of staying alive in America, please consider the following:

- Call to arms from Erick at
"The President today (July 12) signaled his willingness to shoot the hostage. (i.e.: senior citizens' social security and military checks). The GOP should do the same — show an absolute unwillingness to raise the debt ceiling without their balanced budget amendment passing out of Congress to the states."

- Drawing the battle lines:

"Jim Pethokoukis notes a Goldman Sachs report showing there will be plenty of money flowing into the treasury in August for the government to pay its debt obligations, pay social security obligations, pay military obligations, and avoid default. But Obama won’t let facts stand in the way of starving senior citizens to score political points against the GOP."

- Surge strategy outlined by Senator DeMint (R-SC):

"Republicans need to stop worrying about their own political careers and demonstrate the courage our country needs in this critical time.
Change in Washington means changing the people we send there.
The only way forward . . . the only acceptable trade-off for raising the debt limit is to (1) immediately CUT spending, (2) CAP spending out into the future, and (3) pass a constitutional amendment to force Congress to BALANCE the budget every year. This is the only way to ensure that this is the last time the debt limit will ever be raised again."

- The Wall Street Journal teetering on the front line:

"The tea party/talk-radio expectations for what Republicans can accomplish over the debt-limit showdown have always been unrealistic. As former Senator Phil Gramm once told us, never take a hostage you’re not prepared to shoot. Republicans aren’t prepared to stop a debt-limit increase because the political costs are unbearable. Republicans might have played this game better, but the truth is that Mr. Obama has more cards to play."

- and I say, come on folks - let's be men not mice!!! I'm with Erick here:

"Again and again, Congress folds to the doomsday scenarios. The Wall Street Journal again and again claims the sky will fall and the markets will crash. The suits come down from New York and paint the disaster scenario. The GOP falls in line. TARP is passed. What else will be passed?

This time, the GOP should embrace the apocalyptic future, call B.S. on the fear mongering, and shoot their debt ceiling hostage. If they engage in politics as usual as the Wall Street Journal and Mitch McConnell would have them, we’ll be back in this mess again next year.

Politics as usual usually gets us here. If we want to move back to fiscal sanity, we need to try a different approach."

This morning, one young lion of my close acquaintance said, "We drop a bomb on DC!!! That's how we fix this." I'm only one of many he knows are willing to sacrifice our social security checks in behalf of his best business practices. So, what do you think? Aren't we the bomb - we who refuse to cave to politics as usual this time around?

Thank you for your attention and consideration of how we may work together for the preservation of our Republic.

C. Brooks Nielsen
Visalia, CA
cbn, citizen journalist, Char Speaks or

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