Sunday, June 12, 2011

Keeping our Balance

I'm sorry to see so many people stressing out on all the talk about politics. I'm glad to see the thorough review of the fundamentals that divide America. My roots are midwest Democrat morphed to ag based California Republican. Both political perspectives were grounded (you should pardon the pun) by people who understood the American Dream is doing for ourselves so we can help those who can't.

Whatever FDR had in mind during his reign, it's clear to me that he didn't have much faith in "ordinary" American capitalists. In any case, the current Mid-East mess supposedly powered by cries for democracy should raise the level of public understanding as to why America is a Republic.

I'm pretty sure most Americans know we need to keep our balance by electing home-grounded citizens to conduct our public business - speaking of which, shouldn't we take a clue from Texas, not to mention our first President George Washington, and return public service to a part time job? Really, how many rules and regs do we, the people, need to mind our own business?

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