Friday, September 30, 2011

Getting Mail

We all get mail, right? Betcha there's no one out there likely to read my musings who isn't flooded with snail and e-mail, most of which can't possibly be reciprocated without unlimited time, energy and monetary resources. Since I can't imagine anyone under the sun has all that, I feel happily in tune, this morning, with my own hunt and peck system for staying in the loop.

My legacy of positive thinking was particularly useful to the matters of my yesterday. Last night, I couldn’t resist sending out an all points bulletin about a presidential candidate who lifts my hopes for our exceptional republic. No matter what may come, I will gladly hold to the momentum I got from my mail today. For instance:

An old faithful childhood pal mailed me one of his upbeat forwards. I replied as follows:

Thanks for a nice fit for my exchange with my first born as her first born arrives with his platoon in Afghanistan today. First thing this morning she thanked me for my political message and I replied, “It was all I could do to keep from notifying our most precious brave soldier, yesterday, that I'm working hard on getting him Commander in Chief Cain :>) Wishing you the peace that passeth all understanding as your wonderful son moves on in his well chosen field of endeavor, thanks to your fine guidance."

As you may guess, I am very grateful for my daughter’s reassuring response:

"Thank you for your generous appreciation. It IS all in God's hands, as it always is, and I am striving to live by the fruits of the spirit and Phillipians 4: 4-9. Love you."

Dear friend, I hope this message conveys my gratitude to you for staying in touch with me. No wonder I still hold onto the notion that love is what keeps this old world turning.
